Today's world is a challenge for girls and young women. In the middle of managing their day-to-day experiences, they may not be receptive to the advice of their parents. Instead, they may find insight from the words of other people, those in the global "village", who may even be saying the same ideas as their parents, but in a less aversive way. Or maybe they need to know that others have experienced the pain and frustration found in this time between being a child and being an adult...to know they are not alone in navigating through this world. People from around the globe offer their thoughts on life from the perspective of Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit in response to a basic question: What do you wish girls knew to help them as they grow up? In the end, the words originally meant for young women offer insight, support and inspiration for all of us regardless of gender or age.

It would be easier to quit. Completing a doctoral program is not easy, and trying to complete a dissertation at the end of your program when the last of your energy and motivation is hanging by a string, can seem insurmountable. So, yes, it would be easier to quit. There are even individuals out in the world who proudly use the acronym ABD (all-but-dissertation) as their terminal degree on resumes, business cards and such. But in all honesty, what ABD really stands for is "quitter". You've invested too much time, energy and money into your doctoral experience to give up. Finding resources and support to help you navigate through your doctoral program in the most efficient and painless way is an absolute. In this book, you will find the perspectives of expertise of doctoral professors who love what they do and who truly want to make you a success.

Tommy has his very own Thinking Spot. The Thinking Spot is Tommy's special place to go with his dog, Kona. He goes there to dream and imagine and figure things out. Sometimes he goes when he's feeling good. Other times, he goes when his emotions are harder. But in the Thinking Spot, Tommy has the opportunity to breathe and just be...

Your experience and insights would be such a valuable part of the next iteration of Voices from the Village. This version will focus on providing advice for girls and young women regarding their future professional lives. (The survey is a total of 5 content questions and 1 demographic question.)